Membrane Autopsy

PWT’s Membrane Forensics capabilities include non-biased expert evaluation and inspection of Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis membranes. Membrane autopsies include the physical dissection of a membrane module or element, in-depth analytical testing, result interpretation, and reporting.

Request Membrane Autopsy

Careful examination

Careful examination of an element provides invaluable information on items such as foulant make-up, current mechanical integrity, potential membrane surface damage, and ease of foulant removal. Membrane Forensics’ capabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • External examination with confirmation of mechanical integrity
  • Dye testing of intact membrane for quantification of feed passage into permeate
  • Full destructive autopsy to examine internal membrane condition, check for feed passage into permeate/filtrate, and foulant qualification and collection.
  • Full in-depth foulant analysis: Scanning Electron Microscopy, Targeted X-Ray Dispersion, Loss on Ignition with Thermogravimetric analysis, Fujiwara oxidation testing, Biological Reactivity Testing, and more!
  • Cell test cleaning studies of removed membrane for determination of optimum cleaning regiment (See Cleaning Study)

Membrane autopsies can provide critical information needed to help troubleshoot and/or optimize membrane systems, but without expert knowledge to interpret results it may be difficult to determine what changes can be made. The Membrane Forensics’ standard autopsy was developed to provide comprehensive and reliable information that can be used to recommend cleaning procedures, maintenance protocol, chemical pretreatment adjustments, and system repairs to get your system running at its best.

ProDose XPRT™ Scaling Prediction Software

ProDose XPRT™ provides immediate dosage capabilities for our specialty chemicals. The software can create cases to study multiple operating conditions, and directly enter concentrate analyses leading to the optimal selection of PWT product and dosage.